Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Colors" in Chapter 2

The color Grey...

"Ocassionally a line of grey cars, crawls along an invisible track.... and immediately the ash-grey men swarm up with leaden spades...." pg. 27
The color grey symbolizes the rough, filth, and hardwork that is associated with the "Valley of Ashes." The Valley of Ashes is a dark place, described as a solemn dumping ground. This color also symblizes the "non wealthy." In contrast with the "white," that symblizes the wealth, grey is a dark color, the opposite.

The color White... "Cream"
"We drove over to Fifth Avenue, so warm and soft, almost pastoral, on the summer Sunday afternoon that I wouldn't have been surprised if white sheep turn the corner." pg. 32
"The sister, Catherine, was a slender, worldly girl of about thirty, with a solid, sticky bob of red hair, and a complexion powdered milky white." pg.34
" attired in an elaborate afternoon dress if cream colored chiffon which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room." pg.35
The color white, symbolizes wealth, high class, and innocence. This is associated with the wealth of "East Egg." Throughtout the chapter, anything that is associated with the color wealth has higher class and standards, and is usually talking about the "finer things."


Amy Clark said...

I didn't know grey was an important color, but I think it does serve a good contrast to the white/cream that represents the upper class.

Jasmine Plata said...

I agree with your color ideas. I like how you tied in the grey with the Valley of Ashes it makes sense.

I also like how you tired the white with wealth. When you read more into the book that white cream color is also used when talking about Gatsby's car when he picks up Nick from his house. Now I understand that it ties him to being wealthy and owning the finer things in life.

toledo.daniel said...

Good point. I didn't think of the grey like that. I also like how the colors and their meanings seem to contrast each other.

GlumPlum said...

I didn't really think to add grey as an important colour either. But, the way you put it, it does make senese and gives importance to it.
Now that you've mentioned it, I definitely agree that the grey really brings the "ashes" in the valley to the forefront.

stw923 said...

I am going to extend the due date for the final poetry portfolio until Friday, January 6th 2012. If you have any questions, please email me through HomeworkNow.

stw923 said...

Nice job Nierah. Why do you think it is easy to associate white with the wealthy and gray with the working class? Why would the Valley of Ashes actually be gray? How is George described once we meet him? Myrtle? Do they seem like the kind of people who would be living there?