Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hamlet and Ophelia... At the Beginning. Modern Day Love Affair

The clock struck midnight, by this time she knew that Hamlet's car would be parked down the street waiting for her arrival. The two have been meeting every weekend for the past year to continue their secret relationship, but, their mixed feelings blocked the couple from making the relationship known.
Ophelia approached his silver mercedes with caution as she knew she had troubled news to tell Hamlet. As she sat down he gazed deeply within her eyes.

"The love of my life, I have missed you. It kills to see you at school and around town jogging, shopping, and ignore your existence." said Hamlet.

Ophelia was silent and clutched her stomach tightly. Suddenly, her black eyeliner began to rush down her face. "The secret kid we were supposed to have, well that is no longer happening Hamlet. There is no baby that you can potentially ignore. Ignoring our love will be at the top of your worries now." she said with nothing but anger.

Hamlet's face transformed into something once so pleasant to anger and sadness. "What? So, what do we do from here Ophelia? Our love being held a secret is something that I hate doing also. But, losing a baby that we both created is my first priority. Who care about what my father has to say, he is too bust celebrating his victory!" he said. Tears then ran down his face.

"Our emotions are both so scattered and we are both so young." said Ophelia. "You will forever be the love of my life, but who knows if our families would agree or if this is really meant to be. We need our time to think. My brother continuously watns me of something like this occuring."

"Wait!" Hamlet interrupted. "My love for you will forever be there Ophelia."

Opehlia looked out the car windoew and then took a deep breath. She looked his way and gentley gave him a romantic kiss goodbye. She had no words to add to his unconditional love confession to her. But, she knew that their romance could never be one that others can understand. As she walked back to her house, all that came to mind was the thought of what could have been their child. What was going to be the next step? How would others react?

"This isn't the end of me and Hamlet.." mumbled Ophelia. "This is just the beginning."


Rachael Ciccone said...

I think this was very creative. I really like the midnight setting, showing that they are mysterious and had something to hide. Your writing sounded very emotional on Ophelia's part which showed that her feelings were true to Hamlet. Hamlet seemed sketchy in the relationship which puts a twist on things. Overall, it was cute and I liked the mystery because it made me want to keep reading more.

GlumPlum said...

I want to know what happens next! It was so sad with her losing the baby and wanting them to go their separate ways and Hamlet was really laying it on thick with the romantic gushyness. Your Hamlet is so much more romantic than I'd have pictured him but it's interesting because for a change, he is the one preofessing his feelings so outright as opposed to it always being Ophelia it seems. You cant tell from this that they really care deeply for each other and their love is not just skin-deep.

stw923 said...

Nice job Nierah! I agree with both of the comments of the ladies who posted before me. I think that you did a great job portraying the characters - I particularly like the way you put Hamlet in a Mercedes to show some social class and status. However, I wish that you had added a modern twist to his royalty - perhaps had his father be a senator or some other powerful position in a modern world to show that there is more to their relationship than just each other. Overall nice job!

Jasmine Plata said...

I was so sad when i saw that she had lost the baby. I also like how you made Hamlet agree to not liking them being kept a secret but didn't show him quick to jump to going public. I love the last line! I want to know what happens next! Will Ophelia fight for him or will Hamlet slowly forget of their love? Will Hamlet fight for her? So many questions!